Week 3
Today, a store is not just anymore a simple point of distribution, 4 walls, a counter and some products presented in a shelf, but a world, where we sell the consumer a lifestyle, a concept.
This needs, the use and development of a certain marketing and merchandising strategy, in order to obtain the best results. The increase of new forms of buying like internet,etc.. is forcing the retailer to invent more and more new forms of seducing emotionally the consumer towards and into his store. Being different than the average, by using this different ways is the only solution.
In order to evaluate our situation, we have to know, next to the general standard macro and micro economical measurements, how to define and analyze the more important parameters of retail. This will able us, to identify our exact situation and adapt the right strategies and action plan, in order to obtain the best results and an excellent sales.
So, first lets evaluate your exact situation, using a number of evaluations from 0 to 3 points. The worst evaluation is 0 and requires an immediate action. Evaluation 1, we consider, a 'not so good' evaluation, which requires a medium short action. Evaluation 2, we can consider 'good', but always can be better.
Evaluation 3, reflects a good and right position, to be maintained and even if possible, to be improved. (but not necessary on a short time)
By using this kind of evaluation, we are going to be able to check all parameters of the retail sales point
and create a clear diagnostic and execute the right marketing and merchandising plan.
The parameters to be evaluate are:
- the store location
- the store concept
- the offered product range
- the communication politics
- the promotion politics
- the store atmosphere
- the store innovation
Each parameter will bring, at the end, a clear idea and conclusion, in order to obtain a better result, in line with your sales, rentability and or service to your clients and allow you the best results.
Lets start our evaluation.....
Coming up...next week
Parameter 1, the store location
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