jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013




The architecture of the store should be considered one of the important tools, in order to be successful.  It is the first eye contact with the consumer,  appealing immediately to the feelings, emotions and desires of the potential clients, creating a specific commercial atmosphere, in order to motivate and stimulate  them, to enter into your store.
The various main elements (parameters), who we consider the global exterior architecture, like the entrance, the shop window, the brand or logo identification and the facade are strategic, in order to create and transmit your retail strategy.  They will determine your real identity and move your consumers to your sales point.

Hollister store concept

Lets analyze them:

The Entrance: 
It is clear, that the bigger and the wider the door, the better, as it will invite the peoples easier and faster, into your store.  A minimum 2 meters door width is required, in order have a conform retail entrance. Of course, the obliged entrance measurements often depends on the existing local laws and or obligations, due to security reasons.
A floor unevenness , basement or 1st floor, also can provide and or create a complicate access and limit the access to the store. They can create a barrier and demotivate the possible clients to enter into your store. So, make sure, your entrance door is free of any obstacles and designed the way, it is easy to enter into the shop.
The entrance door should be easy to open, made of materials in line with your store concept, inviting the consumer to enter, even if the shop doors are closed (crystal doors preferable, as they permit a view into the store and are inviting to enter and show the visual merchandising).  Rolling up or automatic sliding doors are the most convenient and will allow, a very easy access to the store.

The Shop Window:
The shop window will permit you, to transmit to the possible client your message, concept and or product.  The more shop window meters you have, the better..and more people will be attracted to see and or enter.  However, next to the available meters, we have to talk also about the design of this window shop.  The space has to be created, in order to present an attractive and original product presentation, in line with your company strategy and image.  The main purpose....attract the attention...by presenting the goods in an original way and changing on a regular base, presenting new themes and or products.
The ideal size of the window space, depends a lot of the kind of business, you operating in.  It is clear that a furniture store needs more space than an optical store. Having a corner store with 2 or more windows will allow you to have an excellent communication. 

The Brand and logo Identification:
A strategic element, as it will present the image, concept and identification of your company.  It will allow you to differentiate from your competitors and guide your clients towards your store. Your name, symbol, sign and design should be in harmony (types, sizes, color combinations, materials,...) with what your company represent and transmit.  Most of the time, you will have to adapt your identification to existing urban laws.  The bigger and clearer is you logo, the better visual will be your sales point.  However, see that it goes in line with your total company image and facade.  A combined way of horizontal and vertical communication forms will allow you the best visual way.  Be aware, to use updated (and also functioning...) innovating communication identification, as it will reflect your image and company culture.   

The Facade:
The facade of your store is the face of your company and reflects the global image, you want to transmit.  Your facade should go in line with the interior of your shop and the style of products you are selling.  By using the right materials, you should find a combination of all internal and external elements.
The bigger your store facade,the better you can communicate and  the more attractive will be your store, creating, automatically, more flow of possible clients.

Victoria secrets store

As in our previous marketing tool, 'The Store Location', we will now start quoting and evaluating our 4 parameters, from 0 to 3, using the same table and calculating the final results.  Be honest with yourself,...Make your list according to your parameters and start the evaluation. 

Here you will find an example of the list to quoted:

- how are you door dimensions?
- any floor unevenness or obstacles? 
- what about the used materials?
- is there an easy access?
Shop window:
- what is the size of the shop window, dimensions
- how is design of the shop window
The brand and logo identifications:
- how about your design, is it in line with your image and company marketing policy?
- what about the visibility,...can you identify it easy?
- does it fit into your global concept, in line with your products and inside store image?
- is it in line with the existing urban rules and or laws?
The facade:
- what about the used materials and dimensions?
- reflects your facade what you are and what you try to bring?....Is the message clear?

For your help, here are the quotes:

0 = critical, requieres immediate action
1 = not that favorable, needs a short medium action
2 = favorable, good, but needs a medium long action
3 = optimal, perfect

If you are analyzing your existing sales point or are looking to open a new store location,..it is very important to analyze all details in debt, in order to manage the best store location and or transmitting the ideal communication.  

Example 1: Your possible new store location has a entrance door of less than 1m20, should be worth wile to look for another store locations.

Example 2: The store location is a old style corner building with a lot of window space and reflects your concept image, just go ahead....

Lets evaluate and quote...   
'CAMPER' trendy shoe store concept, in the shadow of the art and culture centre 'Centre Pompidou' Paris

It is clear that, in line with the right store location, the exterior architecture of your existing and or new store has to transmit your image and company philosophy.  It has to been in line, with what your offer inside and of a certain continuity.  At the end, it will transmit your concept in clear and professional way to your possible clients. It is also important to be exigent with your store selection and analyze all parameters objective, before taking any decision on taking a new store location or changing existing one.  Be aware, that it is the first visual contact with the consumer.  So,... try to seduce them with an amazing and attractive store front.


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